Martes, Hulyo 16, 2019

Welcome to the Wizarding World!

Resulta ng larawan para sa harry potter and newt scamander
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            The hidden magical world of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts is about to be revealed for the young and old to explore and to experience the wonders of magic within. Born from the legendary, international award-winning author’s, J.K. Rowling, own imagination, the tale of fantasy and mystery has caught the hearts and dreams of many around the globe. 

On the Streets of London…

            Witches and wizards live side by side ordinary human society, blending well with the non-magical environment. But they can call upon the wonders of sorcery anytime they wish with a simple wave of a wand.
            They can be found in a grubby old pub called “The Leaky Cauldron,” enjoying the extraordinary drinks and snacks that are served there. Behind the building is the well-hidden Diagon Alley, where all the witches and wizards do their shopping– including wands, owls, books that vanish and bite and many more.

Resulta ng larawan para sa Hagrid and Harry enter the leaky cauldron
The Leaky Cauldron. Photo from

 Daily Lifestyle…

            Ordinary magical folk (if you’d like to call it that) live a similar way of life to common muggles - individuals who do not possess witchcraft or wizardry – but with a few (okay maybe a LOT of) tweaks here and there.
            Wizards deliver their mail through owls, communicate through fireplaces, play board games that actually move on its own, and other manners that you would call out of the ordinary.

Kaugnay na larawan
Wizard Chess figurine picks up its chair as Harry and
 Ron play. Photo from

Wizarding Schools…

            Like normal muggle children, kids of magical blood also receive education. An example of a wizarding school is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hidden far from prying muggle eyes, Hogwarts admits any child, either from pure wizard families or muggle parentage, that has a single hint of magic in him. Learners accepted into the school must go past the barrier dividing platforms 9 and 10 in King’s Cross Station to enter Platform Nine and Three-quarters. There, a vast, red engine called the Hogwarts Express will take students past scenes of peaceful fields and dark forests towards the far-fetched castle of Hogwarts. The schoolyear usually starts at September first.

Resulta ng larawan para sa Hogwarts in the movie
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Photo from

Magic and its capabilities…

            People who possess the ability to perform magic can cast spells and concoct potions that may heal or harm others. They can also transport themselves from one place to another effortlessly or ride broomsticks, beasts, and bewitched vehicles high above the clouds. They could transfigure an object into something else and many more thrilling activities beyond one’s wildest dreams.
            However, magic alone cannot reduce the conflicts and difficulties among people. Many have suffered under the cruelty and evil of the Dark Arts. Yet, the bravery and strength of a few selected heroes will always defeat the great tides of darkness that may have swallowed everything. Two of these are Harry Potter and Newt Scamander and this is their world…

Resulta ng larawan para sa Newt Scamander does magic
Newt Scamander (left) and Harry Potter (right). Photo from

1 komento:

  1. My first blog! Hope you liked it! :)
    Cheers to all Potter fans around the globe!
